XL: Back length - 50.8-60cms. Chest: 61-66cms.<\/td> | Boxer Whippet<\/td><\/tr><\/tbody><\/table>\n\n
At VetInnovate Solutions, we've crafted the ideal solution for optimal post-operative protection for pets. Our innovative suit allows pets to recover comfortably without the hassle of a cone, while ensuring robust protection.
Designed by a Veterinary Nurse, this suit incorporates specialized fabrics and features to shield against licking, bacteria, and environmental contaminants.
The detachable abdomen\/crotch component offers five versatile functions:
1. Lick-proof with water-resistant properties for added protection. 2. Antimicrobial, reducing infection risks. 3. Suitable for wear during surgery, helping to maintain body temperature under anesthesia. 4. Removable for bathroom breaks, preventing the suit from becoming soiled. 5. Comes with an additional detachable piece that is machine washable, enabling easy swaps to keep the surgical site consistently clean.
Additionally, the suit includes a D-buckle, making it usable as a harness for small dogs that don't pull excessively on the lead.
*Breed spec is a rough guide. It is important to measure from the base of the neck to the base of the tail and around the chest.*
*Always keep pets away from open fires*\n\n ","deleted":0,"featureImageAssetRef":7895696,"updated":{"date":"2024-10-27 12:19:48.000000","timezone_type":3,"timezone":"Europe\/London"},"ref":222090,"stockTrack":0,"stockUnlimited":0,"stockWarningLevel":0,"visibility":1,"showWeight":0,"slug":"petsuit-surgishield-xl","primaryVariantRef":4985141,"multipleActiveVariantsWithUniquePrices":false,"productListAssetRef":7895696,"taxRef":null,"taxRate":null,"variants":[{"price":"29.03","productRef":222090,"ref":4985141,"active":true,"stock":0,"sku":"18169-222090-4985141","weight":"0.000","formattedWeight":"0.00","options":[],"formattedPrice":"\u20ac\u00a029.03","formattedPriceInclTax":null,"cartQuantity":0}],"activeVariants":{"4985141":{"price":"29.03","productRef":222090,"ref":4985141,"active":true,"stock":0,"sku":"18169-222090-4985141","weight":"0.000","formattedWeight":"0.00","options":[]}},"tags":[],"assets":[{"ref":431427,"assetRef":7895696},{"ref":431428,"assetRef":7895717}],"category":null,"tax":null,"formattedPrice":"\u20ac\u00a029.03","formattedPriceInclTax":null,"multiplePrices":false,"options":[],"defaultVariant":{"price":"29.03","productRef":222090,"ref":4985141,"active":true,"stock":0,"sku":"18169-222090-4985141","weight":"0.000","formattedWeight":"0.00","options":[],"formattedPrice":"\u20ac\u00a029.03","formattedPriceInclTax":null,"cartQuantity":0}}
XL: Back length - 50.8-60cms. Chest: 61-66cms. | Boxer Whippet |
At VetInnovate Solutions, we've crafted the ideal solution for optimal post-operative protection for pets. Our innovative suit allows pets to recover comfortably without the hassle of a cone, while ensuring robust protection. Designed by a Veterinary Nurse, this suit incorporates specialized fabrics and features to shield against licking, bacteria, and environmental contaminants. The detachable abdomen/crotch component offers five versatile functions: 1. Lick-proof with water-resistant properties for added protection. 2. Antimicrobial, reducing infection risks. 3. Suitable for wear during surgery, helping to maintain body temperature under anesthesia. 4. Removable for bathroom breaks, preventing the suit from becoming soiled. 5. Comes with an additional detachable piece that is machine washable, enabling easy swaps to keep the surgical site consistently clean. Additionally, the suit includes a D-buckle, making it usable as a harness for small dogs that don't pull excessively on the lead. *Breed spec is a rough guide. It is important to measure from the base of the neck to the base of the tail and around the chest.* *Always keep pets away from open fires*